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Week 2

Monday 24th March 2020 - Friday 28th March 2020


Every morning students are encouraged to say The Lord's Prayer, The Bahamian National Anthem & The Bahamian National Pledge​. Please join them and help enforce the correct posture for each activity.


Students will review the letter Ff.

They will trace the letter Ff  and paste items (such as goldfish, cotton balls, glitter, paper clippings or finger paint) on the letter Ff to form the letter.

*If printing is a challenge, Parents, would you kindly draw out a 'Traceable' letter F for your child to use. Thank you!

Students may also play the fish counting game below.


Students will review the number 8 by circling each number 8 they see in the worksheet, after viewing the number 8 song.


Students will watch the transportation video and say the names of each transportation seen in the video. After watching the video, students should correctly answer each of the following questions: (means of transportation: truck, bus, car, train, plane, ship, rocket.) 

1. Which one is used for going to the moon?
2. Which one travels on tracks?
3. Which one can carry large objects in the back section?
4. Which one goes through the air?
5. Which one do we park in our garage?
6. Which one carries many people around the town?
7. Which one travels on the ocean?


Today, parents will play a game of "hide & seek" with their kids. Cut out pictures or use cards with the number 8 on it and have students find the number 8 in different areas in the home (wall, furniture etc) or in the child’s room and have them find all of the number 8 hidden in the house.

While the kids are looking, they can listen to the song below until all of the number 8's are found.


1. Don't forget to review week 1.


2. Feel free to explore the "Additional Resources" to keep your child's 

attention and imagination stimulated while at home.

3. Continue to make Potty Time meaningful to your child! 

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